In an effort to migrate a SMF forum from siteground to my own personal leopard server running on a Mac Mini I managed to install MySQL 5.1 but also completely hose the permissions during the migration process. In the process of creating users for the new MySQL database I lost all access.
However, reinstalling MySQL is not as easy to do as you my think. The following are the standard tactics you might try:
- Reinstall the package - FAIL
- Delete the package receipt, then reinstall the package - FAIL
- Delete the database, and start over from scratch - Psuedo Fail
The MySQL database install with leopard is split in two different locations, both of which are invisible and require root access.
To remove MySQL from Mac OS X perform the following steps:
Open terminal and enter
cd /usr/local/
You will see 1 or more entries that begin with mysql, in my case I had a file called mysql-5.1.32-osx10.5-x86 Remove this file, remember its owned by root so you will need to use sudo
sudo rm -Rv mysql-5.1.32-osx10.5-x86
Put in your admin password and watch as this part of MySQL database is removed. Next we'll removed the shared part of the database. Type the following:
sudo rm -Rv /usr/shared/mysql
After this is done MySQL is completely gone from your system, now you can go ahead and reinstall!